2 arrested — Sunoco cutting trees for Mariner 2 pipeline route

Suno­co is rapid­ly cut­ting down trees on the Ger­hart’s prop­er­ty in cen­tral PA to make way for more gas to be shipped overseas.

Two peo­ple were arrest­ed today, one stu­dent from Juni­a­ta Col­lege, who is alleged to have crossed into the claimed Mariner East 2 pipeline right-of-way to warn crews that a tree they were about to cut held a safe­ty line for one of three tree-sit­ting pro­test­ers, and anoth­er pro­test­er who had been telling crews to stay in the right-of-way.

They are both being held on con­tempt of court and are each on a $100,000 bail. Please donate and share wide­ly.More info.





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