End the Climate Change Debate

Late­ly I have noticed a lot of false equiv­a­lence in the media. What’s cra­zier still is the way they are often tout­ed as some­thing to be proud of. As though the cliché phrase “there are two sides to every sto­ry” were a gold­en rule for news­cast­ers to live by. I think that we need to push back on this idea.

In the 1800s news­pa­pers were extreme­ly par­ti­san and not par­tic­u­lar­ly cred­i­ble. Accord­ing to E.J. Dionne Jr.‘s mar­velous book They Only Look Dead, “Between the nine­teenth and twen­ti­eth cen­turies Amer­i­can jour­nal­ism went from one coher­ent pur­pose, par­ti­san­ship, to anoth­er, ‘objec­tiv­i­ty’” (Dionne, 237). News­pa­pers before the 1900s were sim­ply exten­sions of the local par­ty appa­ra­tus that spoke to the par­ty’s base, and the pro­fes­sion of jour­nal­ism was­n’t tak­en too seriously.

Then, dur­ing the Pro­gres­sive Era, news­pa­pers decid­ed that objec­tiv­i­ty might be a bet­ter busi­ness mod­el. By pur­su­ing “objec­tiv­i­ty,” the new news­pa­per con­glom­er­ates could sell one paper to all polit­i­cal per­sua­sions, there­by boost­ing prof­its, and jour­nal­ists could gar­ner respect for their pro­fes­sion. Of course, this com­plete­ly changed the way we think about news­pa­pers and media, it changed our expec­ta­tions for their prod­ucts, and it changed journalists.

Main­stream news out­lets like CNN, The New York Times, and oth­ers want to become your news source by telling you the facts, expos­ing wrong­do­ing, and let­ting you decide. Since they are “objec­tive,” the press “insists on defin­ing its role in a con­scious­ly non-polit­i­cal way” (Dionne, 238). There­fore, if a lib­er­al is fea­tured on a TV seg­ment or in an arti­cle, the jour­nal­ist will inevitably find a con­ser­v­a­tive to bal­ance out – or, more accu­rate­ly, bat­tle out – the dis­cus­sion. In a lame and rather bizarre effort to appear non-par­ti­san, these main-stream news out­lets have effec­tive­ly decid­ed to become bi-partisan.

Now, you might be won­der­ing, “What’s wrong with that?” Here is what’s wrong with that:

False equiv­a­lence is born. Let me say I love Chris Math­ews and his be-spit­tled show. I also have a soft spot for Pat Buchanan for rea­sons I won’t get into here. How­ev­er, their debate was much more enter­tain­ing than infor­ma­tive. Chris Math­ews, ulti­mate­ly, is sim­ply ask­ing them, “What do you believe?” The guests get all wound up because, hey, it’s a free coun­try. We’re all enti­tled to our beliefs. Buchanan’s beliefs are cer­tain­ly as valid as Shrum’s, right? Clear­ly, there is no par­ti­san win­ner if we just have an open bi-par­ti­san debate, right? Wrong! Just by hav­ing Shrum and Buchanan on the show to debate the issue, Chris Math­ews has reframed glob­al warm­ing from a fact, to an issue, to a question!

Whether they like it or not, the press has a strong impact on pol­i­tics, “even if it insists on defin­ing its role in a con­scious­ly non-polit­i­cal way” (Dionne, 238). Dionne unpacks this idea fur­ther: in choos­ing news sto­ries, he says, “Jour­nal­ists seek ‘impact’ while often deny­ing they have goals larg­er than sim­ply ‘doing their jobs.’ Jour­nal­ists think we can bal­ance all of these ideas at the same time. We can say that our goal in inves­ti­gat­ing Clarence Thomas or Clin­ton is to expose ‘wrong­do­ing’ and to present ‘the facts’ with­out any inten­tion of mov­ing the polit­i­cal debate in a par­tic­u­lar direc­tion. But our abil­i­ty and stand­ing to make that claim is under ques­tion” (Dionne, 338). Jour­nal­ists may think they can report on glob­al warm­ing denial in a non-polit­i­cal way, but just giv­ing them the Hard­ball plat­form from which to speak lends undue val­i­da­tion to their argu­ment and push­es the polit­i­cal debate fur­ther away from the actu­al truth.

In oth­er words, by say­ing we wont judge sides in order to main­tain some impos­si­ble stan­dard of objec­tiv­i­ty, Hard­ball and shows like it sug­gest that both sides are equal­ly valid. In the glob­al warm­ing exam­ple we have been using, one side clear­ly wants glob­al warm­ing to be a ques­tion or an issue of “beliefs.” By pre­sent­ing it to the Amer­i­can pub­lic as an unan­swered ques­tion, Chris Math­ews is agree­ing with them. At the end of the seg­ment, the view­er is left with a he-said she-said feel­ing and no objec­tive answers.*

Hey, Pat, it’s great that you feel that way, but what are the facts? I wish Chris Math­ews would ask his guests to bring a bib­li­og­ra­phy with them, so they could cite their claims. But, alas, that would­n’t fit into 30 sec­ond sound bites.

Let’s try that again with­out the ide­o­logues. Here is Bill Nye the Sci­ence Guy on The Rachel Mad­dow Showspeak­ing about Glob­al Warm­ing skeptics/deniers**.

Do you notice how much more pro­duc­tive that is, not to men­tion calm and clear? Here is a jour­nal­ist who has decid­ed to step out­side the box and present glob­al warm­ing as a news sto­ry and not a debate. She is not being biased either. She is still acknowl­edg­ing skep­tics and deniers, but also lay­ing out the facts with­out get­ting bogged down in the back-and-forth. I think it is time that we envi­ron­men­tal­ists start­ed doing the same thing.

Let’s end the cli­mate change debate. The debate is, in fact, over. The facts are in, and the out­come is stark­ly clear. If we don’t do some­thing about this prob­lem we will cer­tain­ly destroy our plan­et! It’s time to stand up and show our lead­ers and the world that we are seri­ous about cli­mate change, ener­gy issues, and green jobs! It’s time to go to Pow­er Shift.

Because if we don’t, who will?

If you’re inter­est­ed in help­ing coor­di­nate Pow­er Shift sign up here: http://energyactioncoalition.org/powershift2011/organize

Please note that the Pow­er Shift dates have changed to: April 15 — 18th in Wash­ing­ton, DC

* (If you want to learn more about how that feel­ing affects peo­ple’s beliefs in glob­al warm­ing check out Act II: Cli­mate Changes. Peo­ple Don’t. of last weeks This Amer­i­can Life (TAL) radio pro­gram. http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/424/kid-politics).

**If you want to see Rachel Mad­dow and Glenn Beck­’s beef after the air­ing of the ini­tial clip post­ed above, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLEMU3XVhO4





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